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Year 4

Year 4

Class Picture HERE


Mr Lewis' Class

Year 4 Staff

Teaching Team: Mr Lewis & Mrs Mellor

Pastoral Manager: Mrs Campbell

SENDCO: Mrs Casey / Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Rose / Headteacher: Mrs Groarke


Meet the Teaching Staff in Year 4


Picture Here

Pastoral Team


Picture Here



Key information

PE: This term Year 4 will have PE on a Monday and a Friday, children should come to school dressed in PE kits on Monday however dressed in school uniform with PE kit in their bag on a Friday.

Homework: Homework will be set on Mathletics and Emile spelling every Thursday, homework should then be completed by the following Thursday. Children might also receive homework to complete in homework books.

TT Rockstars: We encourage children to use TT Rockstars throughout the week, focusing on timetables they find most difficult to help them with their soundcheck in Year 4.

Emile Spelling: Year 4 should use Emile spelling to practise spelling learnt in class that week. 

Reading: We encourage children to read every night with an adult and to have their reading journal signed. Children will also get the opportunity to read with an adult in school up to 2-3 times per week. 

We are introducing a reward system for reading in Year 4, if children read 5+ times per week they will be allowed to choose something from a lucky dip bag at the end of each week. 



ClassDojo - Apps on Google Play

In Year 4 we share pictures of activities completed in and outside of school for parents to see. Make sure to speak to Mr Lewis or Mrs Burnett at the office to be added to the Year 4 class if not already. 



Class dojo: Children can earn 'Dojo Points' for various positive actions, including following our School Rules, showcasing our core values, displaying an excellent attitude, and putting in outstanding effort or achieving great results.

Star of the Week: Each week, two children from Year 4 are selected to receive our Star of the Week award. They are presented with a certificate during the celebration assembly on Friday afternoon!

Star Jar: Children can receive a star for the star jar if they are presenting excellent behaviour all lunchtime, if they fill the jar the class receive an award.

Star of PE: This award is given to those who show excellent commitment to physical wellbeing. 





Amazing Rivers Book Review

Spring English Text   

Krindlekrax KS2 | Reading | Literacy | Year 3 and Year 4 Resources | Book

Spring English Text 

What is Year 4 learning this term?

Curriculum Map



What does a day in Year 4 look like?


The Times Table Check





What should I know in each subject by the end of Year 4?











Computing & DT


Languages & History


P.E. & Art


        Our British Values

Core British Values - UTC Plymouth

Every two weeks, we take time to explore our British Values and reflect on what it means to be part of a diverse and vibrant society. Through discussions, activities, and assemblies, children learn about key principles such as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

These sessions help children develop a deeper understanding of how these values shape our community and their role in contributing to it. By fostering a sense of pride and responsibility, we aim to inspire pupils to become thoughtful, respectful, and active members of society.