Year 2
Welcome to Year 2.
As the year progresses, we will be adding lots of important information and sharing with you all the exciting learning which Year 2 has been up to. To find out what your child will be learning, please open the curriculum map at the bottom of this page.
Teachers: Miss Calvert/Miss Green
Miss Calvert is the Year 2 class teacher, but on Tuesday-Friday mornings some children will be in intervention groups with Miss Green or Mrs Basson. This is to support the learning of all children and ensure the best outcomes for them.
Important Information:
Reading: We encourage you to read with your children at home every night and to sign their reading record to develop their reading fluency. There is a reward for children on a Friday if they have read 3 times in a week. We also read regularly with the children in school.
Little Wandle: Children that have a Little Wandle reading book should read and reread their reading book throughout the week. On the inside cover of each book, you will find a list of sounds, tricky words and key vocab that your child should be able to read prior to attempting the book. On the back page, you will find some questions that you can ask your child in order to develop their comprehension skills. Reading books will be changed every Friday.
Reading Scheme: Children that have a reading scheme book should read their book fully throughout the week and have it signed by an adult every time they read. When your child reaches the end of their book and it has been signed, we will change it, this may mean that your child's book is changed multiple times within the week.
PE: This term Year 2 will have PE on a Monday and a Tuesday, children should come to school dressed in PE kits on Monday, but dressed in school uniform with PE kit in their bag on a Tuesday.
Homework: Homework will be set on Mathletics and Emile spelling every week. We also encourage the children to practice their timetables on TT Rockstars. The log-in information for these websites is stuck in the front of your child's reading record. Miss Calvert and Miss Green also send home weekly spellings for their groups and maths homework relating to what we are learning in class, this will be communicated through Class DOJO
Class dojo: Children can earn 'Dojo Points' for various positive actions, including following our School Rules, showcasing our core values, displaying an excellent attitude, and putting in outstanding effort or achieving great results.
Star of the day: Each day, 2 children are awarded for being the star of the morning or star of the afternoon. This recognises the children for following the classroom rules, completing work well, working hard and being resilient.
Star of the Week: Each week, two children from Year 2 are selected to receive our Star of the Week award. They are presented with a certificate during the celebration assembly on Friday afternoon!
Star Jar: Children can receive a star for the star jar if they are presenting excellent behaviour all lunchtime, if they fill the jar the class receive an award.
In Year 2 we share pictures of activities completed in and outside of school for parents to see. Make sure to speak to Miss Calvert or Mrs Burnett at the office to be added to the Year 2 class if not already. If you would like to discuss anything with Miss Calvert or Miss Green please message us on Class DOJO.
What are we learning in year 2?
Weekly Updates:
Our star writer in Year 2 this week! We are so proud of the progress she has made in her writing since September!